in dem zip file (das ich entpackt habe) sind Ordner für AXE-FX-II und für das Neue XL beinhaltet. In dem Ordner für das AXE-FXII sind in jedem der Unterordner für jede Box und jede Abhör-Konstellation (Mic, Mix, Normal) sowohl ein .syx-file als auch ein .ir-file. Die .syx-files lassen sich ganz normal per drag&drop in den cab-manager laden. Wenn man dies mit einer .ir datei probiert kommt die fehlermeldung (von mir im thread beschrieben).
Die .ir dateien lassen sich nicht über axe-edit sowie über fractal-bot (neueste Versionen) einbinden - > zu was sind die also nütze?
Hier mal die (in dem Download-Pack enthaltene) englische Text-Datei -> ganz unten steht was über die .ir dateien
Fractal Audio Systems
Cab Pack 3: OwnHammer Studio Mix Collection - The UltraRes Edition
With its original "User Cabs," Fractal Audio Systems pioneered the use
of user-installable Impulse Responses (IRs) for speaker cabinet
emulation in a hardware processor.
Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 13 adds support for the new UltraRes speaker
cabinet emulation technology. This proprietary technology increases the
accuracy of speaker cabinet emulation to levels previously unattainable
without massive CPU requirements or intolerable latency. UltraRes
technology achieves the resolution of long IRs (up to 170ms) without
added CPU burden or storage requirements.
The OwnHammer Studio Mix UltraRes collection includes every IR in the
OwnHammer Studio Mix Libraries (as of Feb 7, 2014). They have been
re-created in the new UltraRes format based on original full-resolution
These IRs represent some of the most popular and well-received 3rd party
IRs in the history of the Axe-Fx and we are proud to offer them in
this highly anticipated new format.
http://www.ownhammer.com for more details and additional IR offerings,
and watch for more joint productions between Fractal Audio Systems and
OwnHammer in the future.
Here's what's included:
1x12 (based on an open back "Deluxe")
2x12 (based on an open back 2x12 "Shiver" cab)
4x12 (based on a "Checkerboard Brit 1960B")
Every cab is captured with multiple speakers.
The 1x12 and 2x12 include the following:
ALN-SLV (based on 1969 Celestion Alnico Silver)
EV-SRO (based on vintage Electro Voice SRO-12)
FN-42 (based on 1977 Fane 122142)
G65-OR (based on 1982 Celestion G12-65)
H-PR-55 (based on 1969 Celestion G12H)
J12-CN (based on 1964 Jensen C12N)
J12-PR (based on 1961 Jensen P12R)
M-BB-55 (based on 1977 Celestion G12M)
The 4x12 includes the following:
417-H (based on a 1977 Altec 417-8H)
ALN-BLU (based on a Celestion Alnico Blue)
ALN-SLV (based on a 1969 “pre-Rola” Celestion Alnico Silver)
CL-80 (based on a Celestion Classic Lead 80)
D-120 (based on an early 70's JBL D120F)
EV-S (based on a late 80's Electro Voice EVM-12S)
EV-L (based on a Electro Voice EVM-12L Classic)
FN-42 (based on a 1977 Fane 122142)
G65-OR (based on a 1982 Celestion G12-65)
G65-RI (based on a Celestion "Heritage" G12-65)
H-BB-55 (based on a 1977 Celestion G12H “black back” w. 55 Hz cone)
H-PR-55 (based on a 1969 “pre-Rola” Celestion G12H w. 55 Hz cone)
H-RI-55 (based on a Celestion "Heritage" G12H w. 55 Hz cone)
H-SB-75 (based on a Scumback H75)
J12-BB (based on a Jensen Jet Alnico Blackbird)
J12-CN (based on a 1964 Jensen C12N)
J12-PN (based on a Jensen P12N)
J12-PQ (based on a 1959 Jensen P12Q)
J12-PR (based on a 1961 Jensen P12R)
K-100 (based on a Celestion G12K-100)
L-BB (based on a 1978 Celestion G12L “black back”)
M-BB-55 (based on a 1977 Celestion G12M “black back” w. 55 Hz cone)
M-CB-75 (based on a Celestion G12M-65 "cream back" w. 75 Hz cone)
M-PR-55 (based on a 1971 “pre-Rola” Celestion G12M w. 55 Hz cone)
M-RI-75 (based on a Celestion "Heritage" G12M-20 w. 75 Hz cone)
M-SB-75 (based on a Scumback M75)
T75-RI (based on a Celestion G12T-75)
T75-SS (based on a 90's “skunk stripe” Celestion G12T-75)
V30-CH (based on a Chinese made Celestion Vintage 30)
V30-EN (based on an English made Celestion Vintage 30)
Speakers are captured with multiple individual microphones:
1x12/2x12 mics
CND 70 (based on Microtech Gefell UMT70S)
DYN 57U3 (based on Shure Bros Unidyne III SM57)
DYN 88 (based on Beyerdynamic M88)
RBN 92 (based on Royer R92)
RBN 121 (based on Royer R121)
RBN 160 (based on Beyerdynamic M160)
"Rear" and "Room" captures are also included.
4x12 Mics
CND 70 (based on Microtech Gefell UMT70S)
DYN 57 (based on Shure SM57)
DYN 421 (based on Sennheiser MD421)
RBN 121 (based on Royer R121)
"Room" captures are also included.
"Mic Mixes" are also provided for every speaker:
Live Modern - Custom mix designed for use with FRFR playback systems for live settings.
Live Vintage - Custom mix designed for use with FRFR playback systems for live settings.
Studio Modern - Custom mix designed for use in a full studio mix.
Studio Vintage - Custom mix designed for use in a full studio mix.
Median - These fall somewhere between the Live and Studio voicings.
SP - Mixes by Scott Peterson (
================== I N S T A L L A T I O N ===================
Fractal-Bot can be used to transmit Cab IRs to the Axe-Fx II. It includes built-in instructions.
Please be sure to download the latest version from:
Axe-Edit's Axe-Manage Cabs feature allows drag and drop installation of User Cabs.
Please be sure to download the latest version from:
3rd party MIDI utilities such as MIDI-OX or Snoize SysEx Librarian can also
be used to transmit UltraRes files to the Axe-Fx II.
================== ABOUT .IR FILES ================
In addition to the .syx files included with this pack, a complete corresponding
set of .ir files is provided. UltraRes IRs cannot be mixed using Cab-Lab, but
the next Cab-Lab release WILL support .ir file mixing.
================== II vs. XL ================
The UltraRes IRs in this pack are provided in formats compatible with both the Axe-Fx II (Original, Mark II) and Axe-Fx II XL. Please use only the files corresponding to your hardware type.
================== N O T E ===================
Manufacturer and product names mentioned above are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners,
which are in no way associated or affiliated with Fractal Audio Systems. The names are used only to indicate sonic and
performance characteristics.